Designing Out Crime
Designing Out Crime
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED)
We provide valuable specialist CPTED expertise to architects and developers who are at the design stage of new developments. Our role is to identify crime risks and ‘design out’ crime.
Designing-out crime through the application of CPTED principles is an acknowledged crime prevention platform. Harris defines CPTED as ‘applying aspects of architecture, engineering and technology to all urban development proposals (projects) as an intentional environmental crime prevention strategy’.
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Management (CPTEM)
CPTEM is a post-construction (occupancy) crime prevention framework developed by Harris Crime Prevention Services. CPTEM principles complement and support CPTED. It is a credible place management initiative which maintains, monitors and evaluates CPTED solutions.
CPTEM typically ‘seeks out’ new security (crime) risks that need to be identified, assessed and mitigated.