Latest Completed and Current Projects
Latest Completed and Current Projects
The following is a small snapshot of the latest completed and current projects:
South West Hospital and Health Service (Queensland Health)
Harris was commissioned to undertake a comprehensive Physical Security Vulnerability Reviews of 14 regional health facilities. This included on-site accommodation plus input on the development of one new facility.
Stockland Triniti Stage 2 Build-To-Rent North Ryde and Retail (Mixed-Use) Development NSW.
Harris was commissioned to provide CPTED consultancy services for this three tower development. The towers range from 3-20 storeys . The development includes 507 build-to-rent apartments, retail spaces, basement parking for 259 vehicles, loading docks community open space, rooftop open spaces, and a through site link meeting the Planning Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARS).
Empire Marinas Group – Lake Macquarie Marina Redevelopment NSW
CPTED consultancy services were provided for the redevelopment of this marina which included two level commercial centre, workshops; tenancy spaces, dry stack storage, wet births, public amenities, parking for 83 vehicles and 6 motorcycles , publicly accessible fuel wharf, fencing and gates.
Kaipara Property Group – Coles Shopping Centre Redevelopment Rutherford NSW
Harris was commissioned to provide CPTED consultancy services for this redevelopment which included specialty tenants including a liquor store, medical centre, new mini-major tenants and possible gym, under-croft and on-grade car parking spaces increased to 496, loading bays, travelators, delivery docks, public toilets.
Johnson Property Group – On-site Sports Facility Watagan Park Estate North Cooranbong NSW
Harris provided CPTED consulting services for this development which included a two-level community centre entailing entry lobby, activity rooms, toilets, change areas, multi-purpose room, commercial kitchen, kiosk, storage rooms, activity rooms, entertainment areas, balcony, playing fields, skate park, off-leash exercise area, off-street parking for 146 vehicles.
HOME – Build-to-Rent Redevelopment of the Telstra Exchange Building St Leonards NSW
Harris was commissioned to provide CPTED consulting services for the construction for this State Significant Development (SSD), a 42 level mixed-use development comprising 272 build-to-rent housing across 31 levels, worker housing units, non-residential space, podium car stacker, public domain.
The Wesley Hospital, Auchenflower QLD
Harris was commissioned to review and update of Business Continuity Plan and Emergency Response Plans . This involved undertaking a gap analysis of the Hospital’s current ERP and BCP with Australian Standards ‘Security for healthcare facilities’ AS 4485:2021 and ‘Planning for emergencies – Healthcare facilities’ AS 4083:2010.
Buderim Private Hospital, Buderim QLD
A comprehensive Physical Security Vulnerability Review was undertaken for this busy Sunshine Coast campus. The review was undertaken with reference to: International Standards Organisation ISO 31000: 2009 Risk Management – Standards Australia Handbook HB167: 2006 Security Risk Management – Australian Standard 4485 Security for Health Care Facilities 2021 Part 1: General Requirements – Australian Standard 4485 Security for Health Care Facilities 2021 Part 2: Procedures Guide.
524-542 Pacific Highway St Leonards NSW
The Harris involvement was to provide CPTED input for this 42 level mixed-use development that would include: 271 residential apartments; a car stacker for 100 vehicles, public domain, loading area, retail and commercial lobbies, swimming pool and well-being area; public toilets, mail rooms, shared laneway/pedestrian zone, lighting, landscaping and signage.
Willowdale Development, Denham Court NSW
The CPTED consultancy covers three precinct elements and includes: a Community Centre, a childcare facility for approximately 120 children and two pool swimming complex, parking for 100 vehicles. Internal roads, lighting, landscaping and signage.
District Public Library Development, Sanctuary Point NSW
Harris was commissioned to provide CPTED consulting services for this development which will include: a library and community spaces, suspended walkway, terraced stairs, outdoor terrace and seating, additional car park, pathways, landscaping, courtyard, lighting, signage.
Eight New Aged Care Facilities
Harris provided Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) consulting services for SummitCare’s redevelopment of their aged care facilities across several Sydney metropolitan suburbs.
The Forensic Hospital
The Forensic Hospital, Malabar (NSW) is part of the Justice Health & Forensic Mental Health Network.
Harris was commissioned to undertake an external security audit using the NSW Health’s Security Improvement Audit Tool (SIAT).
As the Hospital is a Public, Private, Partnership (PPP) with different (commercial) client-stakeholders, the audit was more complex than undertaking an audit of a non-PPP hospital.
One Sydney Harbour, Barangaroo South
Lendlease commissioned Harris to provide CPTED consulting services for their development of three towers comprising 808 luxury apartments located in the iconic Barangaroo South precinct.
Harris has been providing specialist services to Lendlease since the commencement of Barangaroo South’s precinct development.
Mixed-Use Development 7 First Avenue Blacktown NSW
Harris was commissioned to provide CPTED consulting services for this Bathla Group Development.
This 26 level project comprises 262 apartments, retail, and commercial.
International Centre for Training Excellence (ICTE), Blacktown NSW
Harris was commissioned to provide CPTED consulting services to Blacktown City Council’s International Centre for Training Excellence (ICTE) development.
This will be a world class International Training Centre located at the Blacktown International Sports Park (BISP).
Blacktown Animal Rehoming Centre (BARC) Development, Glendenning NSW
CPTED consulting services were provided by Harris to Blacktown City Council’s new Animal Rehoming Centre.
The development will be a modern, eco-friendly, welcoming and spacious facility based on best practice for animal holding and rehoming.
It will be the first custom-built animal rehoming centre of its kind in Australia and will offer a range of services never previously available.
Newcastle City Council Public Domain Planning Program
Harris was commissioned by Newcastle City Council to provide CPTED consultancy services for a Public Domain Planning Program involving five Local Centre sites (plus Darby Street, Cooks Hill) and Neighbourhood Centre sites within Newcastle’s local government area (LGA).
Royal Far West Pty Ltd (RFW)
Harris is providing CPTED services for this iconic institution located at Manly NSW. It has been supporting country kids for nearly 100 years.
The site will be redeveloped and expanded to cater for health and lifestyle-related services that are aligned to its mission to support country kids. “The vision is to create a beautifully integrated mixed-use development that is inclusive, open, and innovative”. RFW website